Solomon Citizen

🌱 Why We Should Let Governments Finish Their Terms

Alright, let's talk about something we all love to hate: The Government. Specifically, the pros of letting the Government do its job for a full term before we start throwing tomatoes—or worse, Molotov cocktails. It seems every time we have a gripe, the knee-jerk reaction is a motion of no confidence, public disobedience, or calling for a change in government. Spoiler alert: this disrupts government business and usually makes things worse, not better.

First off, let's get one thing straight: governance is a marathon, not a sprint. Expecting immediate results from changing governments is like expecting instant weight loss from switching diets every week. It’s uninformed, misconceived, and quite frankly, ignorant. Governments need time to implement policies, see them through, and adjust as necessary. Constant upheaval just means nobody gets anything done.

The riots in 2021 are a case in point. People took to the streets calling for change, but what did we get? Destruction of property, loss of business, and an economy in tatters. Newsflash: riots don’t magically fix government policies. They just create chaos and set us back even further.

Now, I’m not saying we should sit quietly if the Government is messing up. Far from it. There are more productive and constructive ways to express dissatisfaction. Engage in the political process, voice your concerns through lawful channels, and advocate for change through voting and dialogue. These methods might not be as cathartic as smashing windows, but they’re a heck of a lot more effective in the long run.

Motions of no confidence and calls for sudden change are usually based on simple-minded thinking. The idea that swapping out one set of politicians for another will solve all our problems overnight is a fantasy. Real change takes time, patience, and a lot of hard work. It involves building a stable environment where policies can be tested and improved, not torn down at the first sign of trouble.

So, let’s give our Government the full term to do its job. Hold them accountable, absolutely, but do it in a way that doesn’t disrupt the entire country. At the end of the term, we judge their performance and make informed decisions at the ballot box. Stability breeds confidence, and confidence attracts investment, which in turn drives economic growth.

Let’s ditch the knee-jerk reactions and think long-term. Stability in governance allows for the consistent implementation of policies and fosters a healthier political environment. By engaging in the political process constructively, we can bring about real, lasting change that benefits everyone. It’s time to stop acting on impulse and start thinking strategically. The future of our country depends on it.

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