Solomon Citizen

👩🏾 Equal Pay for Equal Work

So, I've been thinking a lot about this whole equal pay thing. Women are out there demanding equal pay for equal work. And you know what? I completely agree with them. Absolutely. Why should women be paid less for doing the same job as a man? It's ridiculous! We're all out here trying to make a living, trying to get by, and everyone deserves to be compensated fairly for their efforts.

Imagine this: you got two people working side by side, same job, same hours, same everything. One's a woman, one's a man. And at the end of the day, the boss hands out paychecks, and the woman's is smaller. What kind of sense does that make? It's like ordering a pizza, and they give you one less slice because you got boobs. Doesn't add up, right?

It's common sense. If you’re doing the job, putting in the hours, you should be getting the same compensation. Equal pay for equal work.

I say all that to say—that’s how I feel about expats getting paid more than locals.

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#equalpayforequalwork #expatprivilege #theelephantintheroom